Friday, November 26, 2010

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is the Original Yoga System?

Maha Yoga is the original basic yoga system.
Yoga Shikha Upanishad

The Original Yoga system is called Maha-Yoga. The word Maha means ‘great’ or ‘highest’.  By this way, the Original Yoga System is entitled as great or superior Yoga in Vedic literature. There are hundreds of thousands of techniques in the Original Yoga System. These techniques form the base of the Yoga system and cover the needs of all kinds of people.  There is no need to fabricate “yoga” types to cover special needs of people. When yoga is practiced in the original way, all the aspects of human organism gets positively affected and improved.

While giving explanations about the Original Yoga System to a religious sect leader who uses the word Yoga as a screen, he gave a strong reaction saying “There is no such thing named Original Yoga”.  This response proves how ignorant and fanatic the leaders of so-called “yoga organizations” are. Such kind of so-called “Yoga Organizations” whose primary objective is to spread their religious beliefs instead of yoga knowledge are washing brains of innocent people. These religious sects acting under the name of “Yoga or meditation organizations” are naming every kind of made up things Yoga and instilling harmful beliefs to people. Accordingly, these kinds of “organization” guides disregard the principles and techniques of the Original Yoga System and say they are not important. Although the basic knowledge they use is taken from the Original Yoga System, these irresponsible persons deny the Original Yoga System. In fact, they are spitting into the well from which they drink water. They are making up methods according to the sect’s objectives and calling these harmful speculations as “yoga” or “meditation”.

The Original Yoga System is described in Vedic Literature. These descriptions are usually given as brief summaries.  The basic knowledge given in Veda Books is explained in more detail in the books named Brahmana, Aranyaka and Upanishad. Nevertheless, it is essential to learn implementation details of the techniques given in the Original Yoga System from the real Yoga master.

The Original Yoga System which is called Maha Yoga consists of eight stages. These eight stages are the elements forming the general structure of the Original Yoga System. These eight-stages are technically denominated Ashta-Anga. In Sanskrit Language, the word Ashta means ‘eight’ and Anga means ‘stage’. There are hundreds of thousands of techniques in each stage. Thus, basic application process comprises eight stages.

The Yoga system is based on the act of control. Yama (control) progresses step by step and finally achieves the highest level and becomes Samyama (supercontrol). Here, the prefix Sam which means ‘super’ is added in front of the word Yama which means ‘control’. Yama is in a strong connection with concentration. At Samyama level, concentration evolves into superconcentration called Samadhi. Concentration is also in connection with unification. When concentration reaches its deepest level, unification becomes superunification which is called Samyoga. At the level of supercontrol, concentration turns into superconcentration and unification turns into superunification. This state is called YOGA which means integration. Therefore, Yoga system has three aspects:

1. Samyama – Supercontrol
2. Samadhi – Superconcentration
3. Samyoga – Superunification

These three aspects are interrelated and they are integral parts of Yoga. In the final stage of the Yoga system, superconcentration turns into superior concentration. Consciousness is completely immersed in the concentration object. As a result, superunification is transformed into real superior unity. This unity takes place between the individual soul and the Universal Soul. The individual soul and the universal soul become integrated. At this stage, supercontrol turns into real freedom as control is no longer needed. Thereby, the state of Yoga (integration) becomes the state of Maha-Yoga (superior integration). At this state, the individual consciousness reaches the highest level of consciousness.

In order to achieve the superior grade of Yoga state, control power should certainly be developed in stages. There are eight stages or parts in the Original Yoga System. In an effort to evolve on the spiritual path, the techniques available in these stages must be practiced correctly and regularly.