"The Original Yoga System means respect to the entire universe."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"The mind can either be the biggest enemy or the best friend of the human. For the one who leads a material life, full of bad habits and negative thoughts, the mind is the biggest enemy and paves the way for personal collapse. When the mind is purified through The Original Yoga System, positive thinking and healthy habits are developed, the mind becomes the best friend of the human and supports personal evolution."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"Material world is the inverse reflection of Spiritual world. As it is above, so it is below but inversely. If Spiritual world is infinite, material world is finite; if Spiritual world is full of knowledge, material world is full of ignorance; if in Spiritual world, the beings are in happiness, in material world the beings are in misery."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"A person who sees the mind as an obstacle tries to push it, control and destroy it by any means. This is only a meaningless and harmful effort. Because the more you push the mind, the more it resists, the more you fight with it, the more it gains strength."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"In order to achieve mental control, there is no need to deal directly with the mind and keep it under pressure. The techniques implemented in the Original Yoga System expand the awareness softly and risk free and awaken dormant parts of the brain. Mental control develops naturally."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"The energy cover Ahamkara (Ego) makes the spiritual being believe that it is the material body in which it resides. Ahamkara is a force that makes it possible for the individual to accept the world in a superficial way without questioning."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"The Original Yoga System is the instrument to achieve supreme awareness and enlightenment."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"The mind can either be the biggest enemy or the best friend of the human. For the one who leads a material life, full of bad habits and negative thoughts, the mind is the biggest enemy and paves the way for personal collapse. When the mind is purified through The Original Yoga System, positive thinking and healthy habits are developed, the mind becomes the best friend of the human and supports personal evolution."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"Material world is the inverse reflection of Spiritual world. As it is above, so it is below but inversely. If Spiritual world is infinite, material world is finite; if Spiritual world is full of knowledge, material world is full of ignorance; if in Spiritual world, the beings are in happiness, in material world the beings are in misery."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"A person who sees the mind as an obstacle tries to push it, control and destroy it by any means. This is only a meaningless and harmful effort. Because the more you push the mind, the more it resists, the more you fight with it, the more it gains strength."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"In order to achieve mental control, there is no need to deal directly with the mind and keep it under pressure. The techniques implemented in the Original Yoga System expand the awareness softly and risk free and awaken dormant parts of the brain. Mental control develops naturally."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"Physical body is given for material life, not for Spiritual evolution. Therefore, when the individual begins to use the material body for Spiritual evolution, he faces many difficulties because he opposes the nature of material body and the purpose of its grant."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"Before to awaken Kundalini (Evolution Energy), the individual must be able to keep his mind in balance in the face of mental and emotional conflicts, withstand sadness, passion, anger, jealousy, anxiety, hatred, disappointment and suffering and feel joy despite all the difficulties."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"The physical efforts exerted to get rid of a bad habit makes it even more powerful. If the emotions are suppressed, emotional outbursts occur. The person becomes filled with fear, longing and sorrow."
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi
"It's a big mistake to make light of the body in the ultimate evolution of man. By implementing the techniques of the Original Yoga System, it should begin primarily with working the body. As the mind is the extension of the body, the individual shouldn't try to influence his mind directly."