What is it? What is it not?
No book can replace the real Yoga Master. But when used correctly, a good book is better than an amateur yoga instructor.
Now, "the good book" from the real Yoga Master, the first book of Paramahamsa, Yoga: What is it? What is it not? is available in English on
Read the book, find the Real Yoga Master, change your perspective, change your life.
Other published books in Turkish language:
Asanas – Postures
The Original Yoga System is a system that positively affects and develops all the dimensions of human life. Thus, it attracts the attention of mankind and is performed for thousands of years. With the Yoga Series consisting of 15 books, the author shares with the reader the experiences he gained in more than 43 years and transfers the original yoga system without changing, as it is, from the original sources.
In this book, which is the second book of the Yoga Series; Asana step of the Original Yoga System is described in a comprehensive manner with all required details, with both deep theoretical and detailed practical aspects in easy to understand language, in a systematic way.
The postures in this book, if performed in the original way and correctly, make the person balanced, peaceful and happy. By getting rid of all the negativities and their manipulations, the person can improve the quality of his life with a point of view enjoying positiveness.
Pranayama – Breath and Energy Control
The book Yoga: Pranayama - Breath and Energy Control, which is the third book of the Yoga Series written by Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi, is the contemporary representation of the art of respiration in the ancient Yoga System. The book explains fine functions of respiration, a variety of inhalation, breath retention and exhalation techniques, manifestation of the energy called Prana in the body in ten different forms, its control and its flow from the energy channels and centers.
This book is the companion and continuation of the first two books which have been published previously and widely accepted as classics of yoga practices. The book is very useful, complete and meticulous. It’s a reliable guide for anyone who wants to develop the art of respiration of the Yoga System.
Chakras – The Energy Centers
The purpose of this book is to help you recognize and unleash the human potential within you. Through the information provided, you will gain an intuition regarding the potentials of the energy centers called Chakras.
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi has gathered all the important information about Chakras by examining more than 600 original Sanskrit books. The information hidden in Sanskrit texts are given for the first time in a detailed and understandable way. All the wrong ideas and concepts on Chakras have been corrected.
There is nowhere in the world you can find such a deep knowledge on esoteric anatomy and working principles of Chakra centers. This information is based on real practical experiences and applications. This is why Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi’s book is an extremely valuable gift for everyone.
Kundalini – The Mysterious Evolution Energy
The most wonderful feature of the book is clear description of the poetic language and hidden meanings of Vedic texts and bringing a very detailed, accessible, scientific approach to the Original Yoga System which was concealed in the past.
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi describes the Kundalini phenomenon in scientific terms. The principles of Kundalini science is explained in a concise, clear, deep and yet easy to understand and systematic way. The author, based on his own inner experiences, sheds light on unknown aspects of the Kundalini phenomenon.
The book deals with all the aspects of the Kundalini phenomenon and provides techniques to awaken the Kundalini energy. Equipped with the right techniques and systematic explanations, Kundalini techniques are given in detail as much as possible in order to stimulate Chakra centers, regulate physical and mental functions and enable the rise of Kundalini energy.
Prana Vidya – The Science of Bioenergy
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi is a valuable scientist, researcher and writer who has examined in depth the bioenergy issue. The information provided in this book is practically experienced by the author and the results are presented in an objective manner.
This book, which is the first and only example written on Pranavidya in world history, covers the information achieved through both theoretical and practical ways as well as presenting satisfactory and detailed information to the reader by transferring all theoretical and practical knowledge clearly.
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi is teaching how to protect the human energy field from negative, invading, aggressive energies and to purify it from the damages occurred because of past traumas.
Pratyahara – Control of Senses & Astral Techniques
This book, written by Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi, is the first and only example written on Pratyahara in world history. The work is the most interesting, comprehensive and profound book written about the extraordinary phenomena in this area.
The author, as a scientist, conveys the scientific researches and his experiences and takes the reader to an incredible journey of subtle phenomena. In the rich context of the book, in addition to extraordinary talents, subtle techniques, extrasensory perceptions, energy centers and fields; possible scientific explanations of all these issues are also mentioned.
The book Yoga: Pratyahara – Control of Senses and Astral Techniques of Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi is a great, invaluable contribution to understand the fifth step of the Original Yoga System. Today, in the ocean of recently published unsophisticated books, this book is a gift for anyone interested in Yoga.
Dharana – Concentration Techniques
The book you hold in your hand is the most comprehensive and most effective piece that was written on concentration so far. By providing the reader with the most needed theoretical knowledge and practical applications, this book plays an important role in achieving absolute domination of the mind and personal evolution step by step.
This book, Yoga: Dharana – Concentration Techniques, is extremely practical, very informative, enlightening and educative. Until today, these techniques have been transferred from Master to student orally and presented to society for the first time.
In this book, the core self of the human, its source and hidden powers are described scientifically from the pen of a great Yoga Master. Related knowledge on metaphysics, secret doctrines and mystical information is presented with the techniques that can be applied in everyday life and give extraordinary results. But those who seek further knowledge will find it between the lines when they read the book again after a period of time.
What is it? How to overcome it?
Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi addresses in this book the universal knowledge in a comprehensive way with all necessary details. This unique work is based on both deep theoretical knowledge and multi-dimensional practical experiences.
People who read this book will find the answers to all questions about the universe.
- Why and how the universe has manifested?
- What is ego?
- What is the Original Yoga System?
- Where is the soul originated from?
- What is astral travel?
- Who are the angels, demons and aliens?
- What place is the Hell?
- Is life after death possible?
What is it and Why?
One who reads this book will find the answers to all questions in relation to God!...
- What is God?
- What is evolution energy?
- Where does the soul originate from?
- What is personal and spiritual development?
- What is astral travel?
- Who are the angels, demons and aliens?
- What place are the heaven and the hell?
- Is life after death possible?
- What is The Original Yoga System?
Questions like these will not remain unanswered anymore!...
Anyone who has the information in this book will be able to maintain physical, mental and spiritual health till the end...
What is it? and How to become Immortal?
This unique masterpiece is based on both theoretical knowledge and multidimensional practical experiences.
One who reads this book will find the answers to all questions in relation to death…
- What is death?
- What is immortality?
- Why do people die in pain?
- Is there life after death?
- Where does the fear arise from?
- What is the correct time of death?
- Can death be experienced consciously?
- Is it possible to experience death and return back?
- What does the form of death depend on?
- Is it possible to be immortal?
Questions like these will not remain unanswered anymore!...
Anyone who has the information in this book and shape his life in the light of this information will be able to maintain physical, mental and spiritual health till the end...